Client Story
An efficient and paperless environment: Managing emergency department patients during a pandemic
The Sunrise EMR platform was instituted in 1998. Different sections of Sunrise are incorporated into one platform, and clinical documents are easily accessible through the EMR system, without having to log in to multiple different systems. Since Changi General Hospital (CGH) shares the same electronic platform across SingHealth hospitals, the platform also makes it convenient for healthcare teams to access patients’ records from other SingHealth institutions and provide seamless patient care. To mitigate the high A&E attendance, CGH has also built capability upgrades into Sunrise Emergency Care, which made a huge impact to the Emergency Department in different ways.
With Altera Digital Health, CGH has:
- Improved accessibility to patient records across multiple hospitals
- Increased efficiency by reducing time taken to order investigations as well as treatments for patients
- Reduced incidents of recalling patients to the ED for abnormal reports
- Boosted communications between doctors and nurses regarding patients' orders and treatments